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This John Cusack Webringsite is owned by liaf8


  ~We would like to take this opportunity to wish John a happy~           ~champgne.wmf (34806 bytes)33rd on June 28th. Have a very happy birthday!amvictor.wmf (1398 bytes)~


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This page is in no way affiliated with Mr. John Cusack, or anyone who even knows him. It is strictly unofficial and solely a fanpage, and we can guarentee it will remain unofficial for, well, pretty much forever. Our thanks goes out to the people on the John Cusack Mailing List, and the owner (Smamntha) of The Ultimate John Cusack Page for letting us use the  pictures from her page. We don't exactley have permission to use these photos, but thanks for putting them out there anyway. Regards, the people from liaf8.